First off, I forgot to mention last week about the Santa Muerte. I mentioned it to you all before, but if you don't remember you can google it. We were walking home late one night and we hear this ominous voice like chanting something, and we look and see this congregation of people all listening and there are 75ish people all standing and listening. As we pass we realize it's for the Santa Muerte. I start freaking out and start to walk really fast and then this little kid passes us and goes "BOO" and I almost pee myself. He and his buddies start cracking up and I'm about to cry
BTW this is like two blocks from our house on the same street. But it's chill.
One of our investigators works in a polleria. We saw her one day and started to talk with her and her co worker. As we were talking they pull out a chicken and start destroying it, like chopping it up in all sorts of ways and the head was still attached. She just straight up whacked it off. It was legit. Maybe I'll take a video one of these days.
We had comida on Tuesday with Hermana Recendiz. I ate so much that I literally almost started crying my stomach hurt so bad. I could barely move. I tried to go to the bathroom and there was NO PAPER. So I knock on the door of the hermana and I'm like "hermana tiene papel por el baño" and shes like omg it's over in the other room hurry!! I was so thankful!
It's rained like a metric ton here in the past week, On Tuesday or Wednesday we were in a cita and it started to rain, and then rain a little more, and then it started pouring. As we finished we walked outside and the guy (he's really old) we were teaching asks if it's raining (remember it's pouring) and we're like "No, only a little, no worries! We'll see you later!" At this point we take off sprinting for cover, and run from cover to cover on the street to our house to get our jackets. We get to the house and I'm already soaked and put on my jacket which is literally pointless. (remember we don't use umbrellas....that's a no). We throw on our jackets and run to the church for our "meeting". I get there and my shoes and socks are soaked. My pants are soaked. Even my underwear is soaked, My shoulders are wet, and my head, hair, and face are soaked. We get to the church and the meeting was canceled!! So we keep running and finally find a taxi that lets us in, we get rejected a lot...I'm not sure why. We go to the Bishops house and he apologizes for forgetting to tell us the the meeting was cancelled!! From there we sprint to our cita. The sister we are visiting opens the door and I'm just smiling from ear to ear soaking wet. I don't know why but I loved that night so much!! Mission's are cool.The mission life is great!
I'm sad because I'm fat. I lowered a loop on my belt 
We had a meeting with the area 70 here named Elder Valenzuela on Thursday! I wish I would have brought my notes but I'll tell you guys more next week. It was super great!! I learned a lot.
Everyone calls us Edgar because they think we're Edgar but I'm like no dude its "Elder Jones not Edgar Jones" it's super funny.
I was super depressed that I couldn't watch the USA v. Mexico game. However, I did watch about two and half minutes but I am trying to be a righteous missionary, I did see USA lose in the last five minutes which was a little sad. But I'm in Mexico so I guess I should be happy?? Nah, I still root for USA on the soccer side.
I'm going to tell you guys about the enabling power of the atonement next week because I also forgot my notes for that. Dude it's so crazy what Elder Bednar has to say about it. We can all learn so much!
We played American football with the Elders of the ward last week and I ate 16 tacos de canaste. It was super fun. You can tell some of them had really never touched a football in their lives but it was a solid game!! Of course, as the only guero playing, I was the mvp. 
We contacted a van(?) of 12 people. Since I am the token white person we started talking about Trump. We turned it into the gospel. It's really easy to contact right now because everyone wants to talk about Trump and how bad the world is. I always tell them this gospel is the good in the world, it can change your life if you give us 10 minutes to tell you about it. I love being a missionary!
I got pooped on by a bird. I have no more to say concerning this.
Also it's really cold here right 55 degrees all day. I'm over here bundled up in a sweater and jacket all day.
That's about all this week! The last thing is that yesterday, instead of me contacting someone, this old guy contacted me! It was IN ENGLISH. I have never struggled so much in my life to speak English. I tried responding in Spanish but he wanted me to speak English because he to practice. He was good! I was stuttering and trying to think of words as I spoke to him in English. It was the hard.
That's all amigos! Thank you for your emails this week. I'll talk to you again next week!! stay safe and follow Jesus, i love you guys!!
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