This week was so ridiculously crazy.
I guess I'll start with our surprise trip to the CCM. Wednesday morning around 7:10am I get a phone call from President Grossen. He says, "Hey Elder Jones turns out an Elder got here from Argentina last night at 7pm, and he stayed the night in the airport. He decided to hop in a taxi and go to the CCM. Can you guys go pick him up? Can you be there by 8:30am? Alright, thanks bye". I just sat there on the edge of my bed like what just happened. We hurry and get ready in like 15 minutes and ship out to the CCM and it takes forever to get there. We get lost and when we do finally get there they won't let us in. Security there is so tight. I literally took off my badge and showed it to the guy and he finally let us in.
We head on in and go straight to reception. There are some people from church travel already there....which I thought was weird. We talk to them and they tell us that, "Elder "so and so" isn't here right now but he'll be back in about 30 minutes". They proceed to tell us that he shouldn't be here anyway, that no one knew he was coming, and that he was illegal. He was being sent back to his country that same night.
While at the CCM we went to the tienda and I bought a mini Preach My Gospel and some new scripture cases!! (my old ones got stolen) I bought a new fancy backpack to replace the one that again, was stolen. The best part of going back to the CCM is that we ran into our Bishop (he works there). I asked him if he knew where my teacher (from my time at the CCM) was, and while we were talking my teacher recognized my voice and walked out. It was so great to see him! After that we left to go home and got super lost again because taxistas don't know where they're going most the time.
In the offices we order fast food a lot because we can never get out. There's so much work to do. This week we ate Dominos probs three times, Quiznos, and Wing Stop, so I'm pretty fat and it's pretty legit.
I finally got to teach a lesson again today, and it was super amazing. Both my companion and I were pretty nervous because we haven't taught in a long time. We showed up and started by just talking and becoming friends with Hortencia. She tells us lots of personal stuff. We begin our lesson by saying a prayer. Elder Bennion offers the prayer and prays specifically for her kids and grand-kids. In the middle of the lesson the phone starts ringing and she goes to pick it up. When she gets off the phone she tells us about how this past week no one has heard from one of her kids and no one knew where he was or what he was doing, but it was just him that called. She started crying and thanking us for our prayer. It really was a testament of the power of prayer for me. It's so crazy how powerful prayer really is and what it can do for us. In 3 Nefi 18, from verses 15 to 20 or something like says that if we pray for something that's righteous, and we have the faith it will happen, then it'll happen. Today I saw that firsthand and it was so amazing. I invite everyone to just keep praying really hard. I know that if we have the faith, if it's part of the plan, that it'll happen. One of the coolest things I've ever heard is that there are blessings just waiting on us...all we have to do is ask for them, so if we ask we can receive them! So lets ask this week.
Love you guys a lot, miss you a ton too....and have fun with a new president!
Elder Jones
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