FIRST BAPTISM YO. I didn't baptize him personally. Hopefully my parents send all the pictures.
It's hard to type fast on these ghetto keyboards. But a few things: We cleaned our house so hard last week you don't even know. It was so gross even our sink was clogged with moss or something in the bottom. So I plunged it. It was awesome.
So guys they always listen to american music here and it makes me so sad
I think about what I'm missing and it gets tough. But I'm super stoked to be here. Don't worry about me. We have a little dvd player in our casa that we can use for church music and church videos so we always jam out to hymns in the morning and night. I sing in English and Elder Sanchez in Spanish.
We have this family of five investigators the familia patlan rico, and they are amazing. We only have one lesson with the whole family but we have two with the parents. When we visited the first time they told us all their problems and the mom was wailing, crazy hard crying. It's hard enough to understand Spanish when someone isn't bawling their eyes out.
One of our investigators is Ximena. She's 16 and super cool, She's teaching me french. Her and her mom, Eugenia
are super great.
are super great.
Also Ruben is a recent convert of April. We went to visit him and it was amazing how he has the exact same thoughts that I had about faith about a year and a half ago. I was able to help him even though my Spanish is broken.
It was really interesting during a lesson we had this week. The daughter brought out her baby puppies you guys....we started the actual lesson and were in the middle of teaching and the dog just takes a dump right in the middle of the floor. I'll just leave that at that.
I learned how to play cánicas and I'm terrible. We played with Tadeo who is the boy we baptized. He beat me 10 games to like 4. Canicas is marbles by the way.
Ya know in the cartoons when food trucks crash and the food is everywhere? Well I witnessed the aftermath of a garbage truck and fruit truck crash and it smelt amazingly terrible.
Dudes, so the guy that cut my hair used a straight razor to do my edges. I was so scared but now he's my homie and we
always talk on the street.
always talk on the street.
I don't have much more time! But in short, you all need to try principes. Also we have an investigator that I can speak some English with. There's now an otro guero in our district. I think I've settled into the life on Friday and then settled out on Saturday night. Our fifth floor second to last door was fail. And I'm obsessed with cheesecake.
THE MISSION LIFE IS THE BEST LIFE!!! I love you guys! Please pray for me and my compa and mis investigadores! I'm praying for Texas and the states
but until next week! Adios Amigos
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