Tuesday, May 2, 2017

the water was REALLY cold

okay, not REALLY cold, but it was cold.

I had the wonderful opportunity of baptizing Hermana Maria yesterday, whose family was all less active members but are now returning to the church with her. She is just amazing. ​In the picture are Elder Ellsworth, me, President and Sister Grossen, Maria, Monica and Jonathan con Josue, Josefina, y Elder Sweat. It was a very happy day for everyone. I learned so much from this family about humility. They're just SO amazing. I feel so blessed to be able to know them.

To answer the question I know you ALL have (not really)....who is Elder Ellsworth? pues, ME VOY DE LAS OFICINAS. I'm finally leaving (sorry mom, I said I wasn't but it was a joke. I'm going to be a real missionary again). haha! Elder Ellsworth got here last week and I'll be training him all this week until I leave next Monday.  

I have received several nicknames since I have been here:

1.) Elder Mom - so I got really sick on Tuesday and had a not so pleasant time. Elder Sweat and I were talking about moms and I shared about how one time I got really sick at home and every time I would throw up mom would come and check on me....then one time I threw up and was waiting and she didn't come. So I screamed MOOOMMM and she came. Elder Sweat and I had a moment over that so then on Wednesday Elder Sweat got sick and I became "elder mom" and took care of him all day. It was very sweet. I learned a lot about caridad that day.

2.) Elder Contractor - so we have 16 burnt out light bulbs in our house. Welll, we DID. But not anymore, because I'm Elder Contractor. So basically I was climbed all over beds and bathroom counters and kitchen counters to change light bulbs and figure out how it was done (because they're weird) so now I'm Elder Contractor... because I can change light bulbs

3.) Elder Dad - I have no idea where this came from actually

4.) Elder Houdini - I bought some cards the other day and have been picking up my card magic again to show some families after we finish teaching them. I'm going to have to make a video of a trick this week because the people's reactions here are THE BEST. They're a way better audience than my parents and siblings were. 

5.) Elder Squad Leader - this may be my favorite. Today we went to the bosque de chapultepec to the botanical garden to do some touristy things, and we took a few pictures like this:

and because I am the one orchestrating the shots and was in the middle I became Elder Squad leader today. 

6.) Elder Guru - I got this one about 20 minutes away. Elder Ellsworth was saying something and I apparently gave him some profound advice so he called me Elder Guru.

7.) Sherlock Jones - this is a confidential nickname that I can only tell you about when I get home.

Anyway, I have 8 months in the mission now. Isn't that crazy??? 

30 But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not.

President Grossen shared this scripture with us in an office meeting a little while ago, and talked to us about how there's a need to take care of ourselves, our thoughts, our words, and our actions.  I think that's really interesting. One thing we always teach when we teach the law of chastity, is how there are three things that we must "cuidar" when we talk about this law, and they are: thoughts, words, and actions. The relationship between the three are actually super interesting. For example, with music: I've noticed in the past with music that I've listened to that I listen to it just because I like it and nothing else. But then it gets stuck in my head and I'm constantly THINKING it. It's always in my mind, and then that transfers into my WORDS, and you start saying things whether you realize it or not and then it becomes a mannner of speaking, and finally those things can change into ACTIONS. I've noticed they almost always become words but not always actions depending on how much we realize whats happening. My invitation this week, is to think about whats happening in our lives. What kind of things are we thinking, are we saying, and are we doing?? When someone starts to change their manner of thinking, a whole lot of other things will follow. I've noticed this in my life too

I love you guys a lot! It's crazy this is my last time to write in the offices, and after this it'll be from some danky cyber in real mexico, but I've loved my time here and learned a ton. Keep writing me friends, it's always great and really encouraging to hear from you.

Miss you guys a lot! Stay safe

-Elder Jones

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