Monday, May 15, 2017

i ate...what???


We ate patas de pollo this week. Chicken feet. I'm not gonna lie, they tasted pretty good. It was SUPER weird. Eating the ankle part is like eating a chicken leg, but your just chewing skin and cartilage and ligaments and stuff. Then I ate the top of the pata which is a little difficult, then you have to SUCK THE FINGERS or TOES​. I tried to suck it off without breaking the fingers (which I failed at the first time so I had a lost chicken finger in my mouth). Then the middle talon broke off so I just swallowed that one. Then the last finger I got off pretty cleanly. The palm is the weirdest part, you've got to just bite the whole palm off. It's super squishy and pretty weird but it wasn't bad...I wont lie. It's all about mindset. I also bought 6 chicken necks (pescuesos) for my companion and I because he hasn't tried them. They also are pretty good. 

next picture:

​Adriana got baptized yesterday. She is GOLDEN. She takes notes during church and during lessons and she retains all the knowledge, and if she doesn't understand something then she asks and we can explain! I was so stoked to take part in her baptism. It was the best. We've seen so many miracles in this area and it's only been a week. I know we're going to see success. I have faith that the Lord will give us success and that he'll bless us and this ward as long as we can be working hard.

I had a good friend send me a scripture this week that I wanted to share with all of you. It's found in Moroni 7:33:
"And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me."
I remember something my dad told me when I was in the CCM. He said, "Faith comes before the miracles". This is really important to remember. If we have faith in Christ, we'll have the power to do whatever MIRACLE that is expedient in Him. I am working on having that kind of faith so the Lord can work miracles through me. I know that if we have the faith necessary ANYTHING can happen. If the Lord wants it to happen, he'll find a way to make it happen if we will be instruments in His hands.

Happy Mother's day again everyone!!! I loved talking with my fam yesterday! Thanks for the emails and cuidense mucho!! les amo!!

Elder Jones

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