This week was another great week in the offices, minus a few experiences but it's all good.
The Calls are our senior couple in the mission. They work in the office with us (well worked). A few weeks ago they had a major family problem come up so Sister Call went home a few days ago, and then yesterday Elder Call went home too. They decided to end their mission early because of this problem. It was pretty much the saddest point in my mission so far because we had come to know them pretty well. We were always with them here in the offices. So now I have a few new responsibilities because they are gone. I am responsible for cedulas, references, and materials. Also, I'm now in charge of pouch mail (SO SEND ME SOME). Before the Call's left they gave us all the food they had, so a bunch of different trail mixes, two whole bags of raisinets, two things of nutella, a box of mazapan, delicious snickers and milky way bars and dulce de leche chocolates and peanut butter m&m's.
I cut my own hair again. I feel almost pretty good about it. I'll send a picture here in a minute.
Yesterday we went to the comida with this very rich man in our ward and he gave us some pretty fancy stuff. We ate pollo con morillas (fancy mushrooms which actually weren't terrible but look super gross) and then we ate huitlacoche (which is VERY interesting) and then for dessert we ate zapote (in the ciudad it's called something else but I can't remember). It was all actually pretty good.
Typical selfie
Yesterday I got the wonderful opportunity to speak in the Lomas ward....Lomas is the English speaking ward. I decided to talk about adversity, and focused on sections 121, 122, and 123 of the Doctrine and Covenants, when Joseph Smith is in Liberty jail. All of you should read "Lessons from Liberty Jail" by Elder Holland. It's super good. In verses 4-9 of section 122 it talks about all these things that could happen to Joseph and his family and it just sounds terrible, but at the end it says something like "but know thou, my son, that all these things will give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. The Son of man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he? Therefore, hold on thy way." So my advice to all of us is to just hold on our way! It's really hard at times but I know if we can just hold on, if we can realize that everything is for our good and we're earning experience we'll begin to understand what adversity is and how it serves us. I shared my stories about getting robbed....just as an example.
On Saturday we got out to work a bit after a whole series of unfortunate events. We went out to visit a less active sister in the ward. We went to visit her and her sons. It was really good, we had fun and talked and shared something small. She then asked us to give her and her littlest son blessings, which is one of my favorite things to do in the mission. We gave them the blessings and it went great. As we were walking out to leave she accompanies us out. We stop by her neighbor and she leans in the door and yells "AQUI TENGO LOS ELDERES QUIERES UNA BENDICION ELLOS DAN BENDICIONES DE SALUD" (I have the Elders here and they give blessings of health do you want a blessing) and she says yes. After explaining a bit what a blessing is we give this lady we've never met before a blessing. It was super amazing. I just love to be able to do that. I have such a testimony of the priesthood...that it's been restored to the earth today. I know that miracles can be worked through that power and the faith that we have. I know that if we're worthy, if we have the faith, and if it's the Lords will that any miracle can happen. I've seen it happen plenty of times here.
I love you guys so much! I hope you guys are all doing great at home and that you're enjoying the nice United States lifestyle. Even though here in Mexico City where I am right now it's almost the same. Stay in school and don't do drugs. Talk to you guys next week.
Elder Jones
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